Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Your Laser Hair Removal Questions Answered

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal can be done anywhere on the body, including on sensitive areas like the face and bikini line. Both men and women alike enjoy the benefits of this type of procedure. Read on to find out more about how you can improve your appearance by minimizing and removing unwanted bristle.

How Is It Done?
Laser hair removal is performed by aiming a pulsating laserlight across the designated area, which works by destroying the pigment down to the follicle, which will then lie dormant and unproductive.

Multiple sessions are usually required for complete elimination, but in cases of minimizing growth and slowing regrowth, only a few visits would be necessary. The technician instructs the patients as to the number of sessions that may be required to produce the desired results.

Does It Hurt?
Due to the heat generated by the light, there is a slight discomfort at times during laser hair removal, but particularly on more sensitive areas of the body. A cooling gel that is applied on the area prior to beginning the procedure minimizes this feeling.

What Can I Expect Afterwards?
There will be some redness and tenderness at the sight of the treatment, but this should dissipate by the following morning. Sometimes swelling can occur, but will also go away by the end of the day. Patients can expect the affected area to crust over in the few days following the treatment. The only limitation that patients have after their procedures is avoiding tanning beds as well as the sun for a month or so.

Why Not Waxing or Electrolysis?
Patients prefer laser hair removal particularly to electrolysis because of the larger area that can be treated at once. With electrolysis, each individual follicle is treated, which can result in a highly expensive and time consuming effort. And anyone who has had any part of their body waxed can attest to the pain involved, not to mention the fact that waxing is temporary and must be endured on a regular basis to maintain the desired result.

Laser hair removal offers a permanent solution to a problem that other measures fix only temporarily. This is why the expense of the treatment must be taken into consideration; it's a one-time cost, as opposed to a lifetime of waxing and shaving purchases. Call your specialist today for more information on this fantastic alternative.

In Tallahassee, laser hair removal specialists are using the most advanced systems available for laser hair removal for permanent reduction of most unwanted hair for all skin tones. Get to know more about this treatment at http://tlhplasticsurgery.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=A_Aaronson

Laser Hair Removal

Find more about Laser Hair Removal info here;


Anonymous said...

I am looking for site that concerned about PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL thing. I want to know how much it cost and does it really work good.???
Good there a site that is realiable and can answer all my questions. :)

James King said...

When I was in college, I do my first laser hair removal for men. Like what you've said. Both men and women will enjoy the benefits of this procedure. I will agree for that because I really enjoy and satisfied with the result.

Unknown said...

Where can I do a laser hair removal course ?