Monday, October 27, 2008

Laser Hair Removal Facts

(Laser Hair Removal)

Traditional hair removal techniques, such as shaving, plucking and waxing, only give temporary results. Electolysis - results in lessening hair growth, but often requires years of ongoing and painful treatment. Allergic reactions and ingrown hairs are common side effects of all these hair removal methods.

Laser Hair Removal safely removes unwanted body hair without damaging the delicate pores and structures of the skin. Facial and bikini areas are generally treated in less than 10 minutes; the legs and larger body areas can take longer.

It is a simple process: a coat of clear gel is lightly applied onto the skin, and then the laser pulses are quickly and evenly applied to the treatment area. No painful waxing is necessary beforehand and there is no need to grow the hair long before treatment. Anaesthesia is not required (although many people like to use an anaesthetic cream to reduce the prickly feeling) and most patients experience no more than a slight stinging sensation when the laser pulses are applied. Some parts of the body are more sensitive than others and hence a redness or slight swelling may occur for a few hours after treatment.

Laser Hair Removal is gaining dramatically in popularity - mainly due to the permanent results - and hence the amount of new Laser Hair Removal clinics is mushrooming.

Laser Hair Removal is appealing to all - women as young as 16 and as old as 65 are regularly undertaking the treatments. The main areas being treated include the face, bikini line, underarms, back and buttocks. The benefits for those who are suitable for laser hair removal are great - even after only one treatment a vast reduction in the amount of hair growing back can be seen. Multiple treatments are needed for permanent reduction, and the amount required for optimal results varies according to the area. For example, the face and men's back require more treatments.

Laser Hair Removal works on the principle of selective photothermolysis. Lasers can cause localized damage by selectively heating dark target matter in the area that causes hair growth while not heating the rest of the skin. Light is absorbed by dark objects, so laser energy can be absorbed by dark material in the skin (but with much more speed and intensity). This dark target matter, or chromophore, can be naturally-occurring or artificially introduced.

The effectiveness of Laser Hair Removal depends on the characteristics of the individual. Skin type, hair type and pigment are all factors which determine the outcome. Based on these factors - the best treatment plan that will give the most desirable results will be recommended to you.

However, Laser Hair Removal is not for everyone - the absolute requirement is that one's hair must be darker than the surrounding skin. Also very darkly pigmented people absorb too much laser energy in their skin and are not suitable for most lasers. Dark skinned patients require the use of highly specialized lasers.

Laser Hair Removal treatment cost varies with the size of the area treated. Experienced laser centers, which have developed expertise in laser hair removal, generally average about $500 per treatment session, with an average of four treatment sessions initially recommended. Large areas, such as the entire back, or the entire legs, cost quire a bit more than this. Small areas, such as the upper lip, can be less.

Gay Redmile is the webmaster of numerous health and wellbeing sites. For further important laser hair removal information visit her site at or one of her other sites at: or

Article Source:

Laser Hair Removal

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